Software package in R that includes functions for one-sample MR analyses with individual-level data.
The package implements various one-sample MR estimators including the structural mean model (SMM), two-stage predictor substitution estimators and two-stage residual inclusion estimators as well as the Sanderson-Windmeijer conditional F-statistic for models with multiple exposures (e.g., when performing multivariable MR].
Other terms in 'Supporting resources and software packages':
- AER software package
- ivmodel
- ivonesamplemr
- ivreg2
- ivregress
- ivtools
- LD Hub
- MendelianRandomization
- MR-Base and TwoSampleMR
- mrrobust
- PhenoScanner
- PhenoSpD
- RadialMR
- Sample size and power calculators
- Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology using Mendelian Randomization (STROBE-MR)