An integrated toolkit for phenotypic correlation estimation and multiple testing correction using genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary-level statistics.
In MR analyses, this resource is increasingly being used to estimate the approximate number of independent phenotypes using summary-level data to appropriately account for multiple testing. For example, in an MR analysis assessing the causal effect of hundreds of circulating metabolites on heart disease, correcting for the number of circulating metabolites may be too strict given that the metabolites may be highly correlated. Therefore, PhenoSpD can be used with summary-level data to estimate the number of independent circulating metabolites such that the multiple testing correction can be more appropriately calculated, without the requirement of individual-level data.
Other terms in 'Supporting resources and software packages':
- AER software package
- ivmodel
- ivonesamplemr
- ivreg2
- ivregress
- ivtools
- LD Hub
- MendelianRandomization
- MR-Base and TwoSampleMR
- mrrobust
- OneSampleMR
- PhenoScanner
- RadialMR
- Sample size and power calculators
- Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology using Mendelian Randomization (STROBE-MR)